
Book Description

Warm, wise, straightforward yet poetic, ReBalancing reminds us of our strengths and offers new perspectives on our challenges in daily nuggets of 17 syllables. This wonderfully original book is both intuitive and entertaining. Charley’s love of the natural world shines throughout.

“Rich and fulsome, hopeful and helpful, sunny and soulful…. a sublime piece of work.”

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How ReBalancing Came To Be

ReBalancing was an unexpected book for me to write as I hadn’t thought of writing poetry for anyone other than children.  A very good friend was talking to me about a book of quotes and wisdoms that she was hoping someone would put together as a thought for the day kind of book. We discussed the problems associated with doing so and I put forward the idea of writing a book of haiku for children in a similar vein. She asked if it had to be for children…thus the idea was planted in my brain and there was no stopping the inspirational flow. 

It was such a delight to work with Rachel as I “cleared” each haiku with her to check that it resonated. Poetry is incredibly rewarding, in myriad ways, but can be a rather lonely calling. I also loved writing positive, affirming haiku as it actually improved my own spirits. I thoroughly recommend giving it a go for yourself (the positive writing of course).

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