Everyday Magic Books

Introducing the Everyday Magic series of haiku and photographs. There are 4 books in the series, one for each season, each with their own character.

They are all currently available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback (click on image above to go to Amazon UK) and they are available to order from bookstores and libraries.


Magic surrounds us and with a little imagination we can find it. It may be in the echoes of a song, a simple kindness, or nature putting on a show. Or more likely all three.
Charley Elbow’s thoughtful words and Steve Ward’s charming photos put a spotlight on winter’s magic in this heartwarmingly sumptuous book.

Please click these links to look inside the book or buy from Amazon in the UK, US, Canada or Australia. For other countries please search your Amazon store.


Magic can happen spontaneously, build over time or surprise us that it has always been there when our senses become attuned. Spotting it can then become a wonder-filled habit.
Charley Elbow’s joy in truffling out the magic in the everyday and Steve Ward’s unerring instinct for capturing the mood make this a book to savour.

Please click these links to look inside the book or buy from Amazon in the UK, US, Canada or Australia. For other countries please search your Amazon store.


Many of us have probably forgotten that magic can be found in the simplest of places if we just look for it. This book is crammed with suggestions as to where to start.
Charley Elbow’s deceptively simple outlook shelters deeply profound concepts. Steve Ward’s talent is in seeing the beauty others may miss.

Please click these links to look inside the book or buy from Amazon in the UK, US, Canada or Australia. For other countries please search your Amazon store.


Magic lifts our spirits and soothes our souls. It’s often in the seemingly incidental but when we take notice, the nudges, glints and hints help our lives become more rewarding.
Charley Elbow’s gift of discovering wonder in the apparently mundane and Steve Ward’s of highlighting moments to marvel at shine in this gorgeously real yet optimistic book.

Please click these links to look inside the book or buy from Amazon in the UK, US, Canada or Australia. For other countries please search your Amazon store.